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Student Health

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Health and Liability Insurance

All students are strongly recommended to have personal health insurance while enrolled as a student at BHCLR. Many affordable options exist for students. For information on some of the options, please visit the following websites or contact Student Services.

E.J. Smith & Associates


If a student needs medical treatment during an educational experience, the student is responsible for any expenses related to the treatment. BHMC-LR Occupational Health in BHRI will provide the initial treatment for students with a needle stick. Any additional medical treatment needed by a student will be at the student’s expense. BHCLR may require a medical clearance from a student after an injury to attend learning experiences.

All students are strongly recommended to have personal liability insurance while enrolled as a student at BHCLR. Many affordable options exist for students. For information on some of the options, please visit the following websites.

Required Immunizations

Students are required to provide documentation of current Immunizations and Tuberculin skin testing results at time of enrollment. Immunizations and testing must remain current throughout enrollment. Required health information must be complete in order to attend class, skills laboratory or clinical laboratory experiences.

All expenses related to Immunizations and Tuberculin testing are the responsibility of the applicant/student. Students must submit copies of required documents prior to the first day of class; Do not submit originals, as you will retain these for your records.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
Students born before January 1, 1957 are required to provide proof of one (1) MMR; students born after January 1, 1957 must provide proof of two (2) MMR’s. In the event that an individual has a titer for MMR, they must have prior approval through Arkansas Department of Health by making application for exemption and submitting documentation to the college.

What is Measles, Mumps or Rubella? Find out at the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention: Diseases and Conditions website:

Tetanus / Diphtheria (Td)
Students are required to provide proof of Td booster dated within the last 10 years.

What is Tetanus / Diphtheria? Find out at the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention: Diseases and Conditions website:

Hepatitis B vaccine series
The Hepatitis B vaccine consists of a series of three (3) injections administered at specific times over a six (6) month time frame. Students are required to provide proof of beginning the Hepatitis B vaccine series and complete the series during enrollment or submit a Hepatitis B waiver of college responsibility. Students are strongly encouraged to receive the Hepatitis B vaccine series versus submitting a waiver.

What is Hepatitis B? Find out at the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention: Diseases and Conditions website:

Varicella (chickenpox)
Documentation of 2 doses separated by 28 days or documentation of immunity to disease by result of a titer.

What is Varicella (chickenpox)? Find out at the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention: Diseases and Conditions website:

Tuberculin (TB) Testing
Initial applicants must have a TB Test dated within thirty (30) days before the first day of class and provide documentation reflecting results. Students TB testing results must remain current throughout enrollment.

Students or applicants with a positive Tuberculin Skin Test are required to have a Quantiferon Gold lab test and, if positive, a chest x-ray at their own expense. The applicant or student is referred to the Arkansas Department of Health for follow through care.

What is Tuberculosis? Find out at the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention: Diseases and Conditions website:

Influenza Immunization
The influenza immunization is required annually for all enrolled students. What is influenza? Find out at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website:

COVID-19 Vaccination
As of June 30, 2023, the COVID vaccine is now optional.

Helpful Contacts for Health Information

American Red Cross
1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767) (Disaster Services)

Arkansas Poison & Drug Information Center
1 800 222-1222 or 800-376-4766 (statewide)

Arkansas Regional Organ Recovery Agency

BAPTIST HEALTH Recover Adult Alcohol & Drug Treatment Program

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Health Units
501-280-3100 (Central Pulaski County) for other counties, see website

National Institute of Drug Abuse

Arkansas Coalition Against Sexual Assault
1-800-656-4673 (National Sexual Assault Hotline)

Suicide Prevention National Hotline

Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence
1-800-799-SAFE (7233) (US Hotline)

United Way Worldwide

Immunization and CPR Information

It is the responsibility of the incoming student to acquire all immunizations and complete an American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider CPR course if required by your program. The student identification (ID) number must be written on each page of the submitted documents. The student must provide a copy of each document and submit them to Student Services. If a student does not have the immunizations required by the first day of class, an Incomplete Health Form will be given to the student. Specific information about each required immunization and the CPR course are as follows:

Immunizations Required

All Students

The MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) immunizations: must be completed and documentation submitted by each incoming student before attending classes.  Students born before January 1, 1957, are required to provide proof of one (1) MMR; students born after January 1, 1957, must provide proof of two (2) MMR’s.  Documentation of a MMR Titer must be approved through the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH).   Documentation of MMR Titer must show immunity to all three.

The PPD (TB) skin test:

Initial applicants must have a TB Test dated within thirty (30) days before the first day of class and provide documentation reflecting results. Students TB testing results must remain current throughout enrollment.

Students or applicants with a positive Tuberculin Skin Test are required to have a Quantiferon Gold lab test and, if positive, a chest x-ray at their own expense. The applicant or student is referred to the Arkansas Department of Health for follow through care.

What is Tuberculosis? Find out at the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention: Diseases and Conditions website:

The Tetanus immunization: is required and documentation must reflect a booster shot within the last ten (10) years.

Varicella (Chickenpox): – documents of two (2) doses separated by 28 days or documentation of immunity to disease by results of a titer. The 2nd dose must have been after age four (4).

Hepatitis B immunizations: must be completed or the first shot in the series of required three (3) shots has been documented with the remaining two (2) shots received according to series requirements.If a student wishes to waive the Hepatitis B requirement, the student must obtain a BHCLR Hepatitis B waiver form, which must be signed by a Physician or APRN and  notarized.

Where can I go if I need an Immunization?
Occupational Health Services in BHRI (202-7125)
The Arkansas Health Department (After the age of 18 years will not give the Hepatitis B shot or Varicella vaccines)
Family physician



The CPR Course must be an American Heart Association (AHA) “Health Care Provider” course.  A copy of both sides of the CPR card must be submitted which validates a course completed and which will not expire in the upcoming semester.  Incoming students will have the opportunity to sign up for an AHA BLS Provider Course at Welcome Day. CPR certification lasts for two (2) years. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule and complete a course within the first 30 days of class to ensure it will not expire in the upcoming semester.


Please follow up with your Program Director/Coordinator for more specific information regarding the requirements for your specific program.


Where can I go if I need CPR?
Baptist Health Training Center –

Additional CPR Course Options- American Heart Association

Drug Use Prevention

Baptist Health College Little Rock (BHCLR) is designated as Drug Free. It is the policy of BHCLR to promote a safe, healthy and productive environment free from the influences of drugs and alcohol. BHCLR students have the right to be educated in an environment that is free of drugs and alcohol, and to rely on the fact that other students are not impaired by substance abuse.

BHCLR is committed to strictly enforce its drug and alcohol policy and to comply with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. It is the expectation of BHCLR that all students obey applicable local, state and federal laws and to adhere to the behavioral standards regarding the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs on Baptist Health or BHCLR premises.

It is imperative that a student be law abiding, alert and in full possession of reasoning capabilities. Consuming, being under the influence, testing positive from a drug screen, selling or possessing alcohol or other reasoning and cognitive alteration substances at any school function, during a learning activity, travel to or from campus for a learning activity, being under the influence of while on school campus is absolutely forbidden, and is cause for immediate Administrative Dismissal or denial of entry. Faculty or administration takes action to protect patients when a student’s behavior indicates probable cause to suspect chemical substance abuse or use. Cause is determined at the sole discretion of BHCLR.

Under no circumstances shall alcoholic beverages, controlled substances/illicit drugs, or persons under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances/illicit drugs be permitted on premises. Illegal drug possession, manufacture, sale, provision to others and use are of immediate concern. From a safety perspective, users of drugs, both legal and illegal, may either impair the wellbeing of students, faculty, staff and patients resulting in harm of individual patients, the public or property damage.

All applicants/students must complete a drug screen prior to entry. Residential students enrolled in BHCLR are included in the Student Random Drug Screen Program. Non-residential students will abide by the drug screening policy for the facility they attend.

A positive drug screen, violation of this policy, refusal to voluntarily supply a specimen for screening or a specimen submitted for screening that has been determined to be altered by the student, will result in dismissal or denial of entry. A positive drug screen cannot be grieved through the BHCLR Grievance Procedure. In addition, regulating agencies/boards and law enforcement officials may be notified and informed for possible prosecution by federal, state, or local law enforcement agencies.

Students who are taking a current medically prescribed drug that can alter behavior, physical ability or mental function in such a way that their ability to safely perform his or her assigned tasks, must report the use of this drug to their Coordinator/Program Director who will determine whether any action should be taken. Students must keep all prescribed medication in the original container, which identifies the drug, dosage, date of prescription and prescribing physician.

Students must notify their Coordinator/Program Director in writing within five days of any conviction of a criminal drug status. This requirement is set forth to comply with the federal Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act.

A student suspected of or reported to be active in chemical substance abuse is confronted and asked to voluntarily submit for screening test(s).

For more information on the Chemical Substance Abuse policy, please refer to the Student Handbook or Catalog.

Students found in violation of the Chemical Substance Abuse policy at BHCLR may be subject to local, state or federal laws and may face criminal charges punishable by fines and /or imprisonment.

  1. No person under the age of 21 may legally consume or possess alcohol in Arkansas.
  2. It is illegal to be so intoxicated in a public place that you are likely to endanger yourself or others or be unreasonably annoying to others. This is a class C misdemeanor, (with a class A as the most serious), and may result in fines and incarceration.
  3. Driving a motor vehicle with .08% or more blood alcohol content is a class A misdemeanor that, in addition to incarceration and heavy fines, will result in a suspension of driving privileges from 120-180 days for the first offense. Driving with a license suspended for DWI may result in incarceration for ten days and a $1,000 fine. Refusing the chemical test for blood alcohol content may result in a 180-day suspension of driving privileges for the first offense. In the event of an accident involving a fatality, a blood alcohol content of .08% or higher may result in a charge of manslaughter, even though the driver did not set out to intentionally harm anyone.
  4. A person under the age of 21 operating a motor vehicle with .02% but less than .08% blood alcohol content commits the offense of Underage Driving Under the Influence. The penalties include suspension of driving privileges for up to 120 days for the first offense, fines up to $500, public service work at the discretion of the court, and mandatory attendance at an alcohol and driving education program.
  5. Arkansas statutes 5-27-501 through 503 are aimed at preventing persons under 21 from using altered identification to purchase alcohol. Manufacturing, altering, or distributing altered personal identification for this purpose is a Class C Felony punishable by up to ten years in prison. Possessing altered identification is a class B misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days in jail and revocation of driving privileges for up to 12 months or age 18, whichever is shortest.
  6. Possession of more than one ounce of marijuana or possessing it in a form to facilitate distribution is a felony offense. Possession of any usable amount of any other illegal narcotic is a felony. The penalties range from probation to life in prison.

Many Americans abuse alcohol and illegal drugs without thinking about the possible risk to their health and well-being.


Even small amounts of alcohol can affect your judgment and coordination. Moderate amounts also affect your ability to learn and remember information. High amounts can cause alcohol poisoning, resulting in death.

Women who drink alcohol while pregnant may give birth to infants with birth defects and mental retardation.

Illegal drugs

Drugs change your perception. They affect how your brain works, including your memory. They cause a variety of potentially serious or fatal physical conditions, the NIDA says.

These drugs have specific health risks:

  • Cocaine– Cocaine in any form can cause sudden death from cardiac arrest. Cocaine stimulates the central nervous system. That raises blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature. Injecting cocaine with shared needles can lead to HIV infection and hepatitis.
  • Marijuana– Marijuana increases heart rate, affects memory and comprehension, and makes it more difficult to perform tasks requiring concentration and coordination, such as driving a car. The drug also affects motivation, which has an impact on school and work.
  • Prescription drug abuse– About 9 million Americans use prescription drugs for nonmedical purposes. Commonly abused medications include OxyContin, Ritalin, Adderal, Vicodin, and Percocet. These drugs can cause very high blood pressure, irregular heart rate, and high body temperature.
  • Methamphetamine– This drug can increase heart rate, raise blood pressure, and decrease appetite. This can lead to severe weight loss. High doses can cause tremors, delusions, paranoia, and death.
  • Anabolic steroids– Steroid users can suffer side effects ranging from acne to liver cancer. In males, use can cause withered testicles, sterility, and impotence. In females, irreversible masculine traits can develop. Psychological effects in both sexes include aggressive behavior and depression. Some side effects, such as heart attack and stroke, may occur years after use.

The Academic and Spiritual Counselor provides free literature, handouts and referrals. In addition, the following support groups are available:

Baptist Health Recover Adult Alcohol & Drug Treatment Program: 501-202-7006

Narcotics Anonymous 1-818-773-9999

Alcoholics Anonymous 501-664-6042 (Arkansas Central Office)

Celebrate Recovery: 501-225-8684

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